CASG’S Guide to Academic Societies
If you do not see your academic society listed below or if some information needs to be updated, let us know at president@casg.ca!
Bachelor of Global and International Studies (BGInS) Students' Society
The BGInS Students' Society was founded by the students, for the students in 2015 with the aim of fostering community within the BGInS program, as well as between BGInS Students and Arthur Kroeger College, Carleton University, and the National Capital region. The Society is continually looking to provide social, academic, and networking opportunities for its student body.
Instagram: @bginsstudentssociety
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email:
Bachelor of Social Work Student Society
We will work to provide educational opportunities that will add to the experience of the Bachelor of Social Work Program. We will contribute to the strengthening and building of our Bachelor of Social Work Program community and will strive to contribute in a productive and positive way at Carleton and in the community at large. We will commit to educating ourselves on current and predominant issues, anti-oppressive approaches, and cultural practices to further develop our understanding and empathy for others.
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email:
How to get involved: We have leadership opportunities on our executive board, through volunteering, and opportunities to represent the student body on faculty and school of social work committees.
Canadian Society of Civil Engineering
The purpose of CSCE shall be to promote and support the learning and involvement in civil, environmental, and architectural conservation and sustainability related fields. CSCE strives to improve the quality of the undergraduate experience within Civil, Environmental, and Architectural Conservation and Sustainability Engineering at Carleton University. CSCE shall act as a bridge between the Carleton Civil and Environmental Department Undergraduate students and the related industry.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/profile.php?id=100054274311061
Instagram: @cscecarleton
Discord: https://discord.gg/zCmfd8QtVp
Contact Information: carleton.csce@gmail.com
Carleton Applied and Theoretical Linguistics Society (CATL)
The Carleton Applied and Theoretical Linguistics Society (CATL) is an academic student society that provides a space for students interested in languages, linguistics, and related areas including, but not limited to, those in the Linguistics, Applied Linguistics and Discourse Studies, and Modern Languages programs at Carleton to connect with peers and learn together. This society hosts events such as casual hangouts and guest speakers, and is open to all CU students!
Discord: https://discord.gg/S7spwM2
Email: carletoncatlsociety@gmail.com
Instagram: https://instagram.com/cu.catl?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email
How to get involved: General Member, Program Representatives (volunteer), Vice President Finance (consensus-based meeting in March), Vice President Social (2, consensus-based meeting in March), Vice President Internal (consensus-based meeting in March), President (consensus-based meeting in March)
Carleton Art History Undergraduate Society
Bringing together Art History and History and Theory of Architecture undergraduate students to form an engaging and culturally rich community at Carleton.
The aim of CAHUS includes:
I) Increased communication and engagement among like-minded students in the Department of Art History through enriching student-run events and social gatherings.
II) Encouraging student involvement in the Art History department, the University, and the greater Ottawa art communities.
III) Providing its members with hands-on experiences in art-related practices and event planning.
Instagram: @_cahus
Discord: https://discord.gg/c39q3wH4dd
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email:
Carleton BIT Society
The purpose of B.I.T. Society shall be to provide an organization through which Students of the Bachelor of Information Technology program(s) within Carleton University may correspond and provide an advocate for said body on issues relating to the enrichment and enhancement of the BIT program. To members, benefits will include a means to achieve academic development, professional development, a social setting of academic peers to network, and access to the BITsoc room.
Website: https://bitsoc.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/bitsociety
Instagram: @carletonbitsociety
Discord: https://discord.gg/wdchqMjX9R
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: carletonbitsociety@gmail.com
How to get involved: At the beginning of every academic school year, BITsoc opens membership to all students at Carleton University. Our membership fee is $5/per term and students can sign up through the form on our website!
We also have elections at the end of every academic school year where students can run for executive positions that they are eligible for!
Carleton Chemistry and Biochemistry Society
The CCBS shall work towards creating community between the undergraduate and graduate chemistry and biochemistry students on campus and throughout Ottawa, as well as facilitate networking between professors and students. The CCBS desires to create an atmosphere of learning and enjoyment so students and professors can be connected to the science community across Ottawa.
Website: https://carletonccbs.wixsite.com/my-site
Instagram: @carletoncbs
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: carleton.ccbs@gmail.com
The Carleton Cognitive Science Association
The Carleton Cognitive Science Association (CCSA) shall work towards establishing a more involved, active, and integrated cognitive science community. Not only for cognitive science students, but for all students interested in Cognitive Science. We hope to bring people together, be it for social or academic reasons. Working with faculty and other members of the community, we hope to provide a better set of resources for students to learn and succeed or otherwise enjoy their Carleton University experience.
Website: https://carleton.ca/cognitivescience/
Instagram: @cu.cogsciassociation
Discord: https://discord.gg/THpUACtSMt
Contact Information: DM Social Media
How to get involved: Students can get involved in many ways. All students can become members of the CCSA through filling out a membership form. To become part of the CCSA executive team, applications and interviews are typically scheduled for end of winter term each year. Student can also apply for representative roles through filling out a form at the beginning of every fall term (for example, in the 2023-2024 academic year, each concentration will have a representative). All Information including forms and submission dates can be located on all of our social media platforms.
Carleton Communication Society
Carleton Communications Society (CCS) is a social and academic group of Communications students at the undergraduate level. The council is run by students, for students. Members in the council participate in fundraising initiatives, social activities, professional development workshops, and networking nights throughout the year. The council works towards creating networking and social opportunities for Communications students as well as providing insight into where a degree in Communications can take you.
Website: cussconnection.com
Instagram: @cucomssociety
Tik Tok : @cucomssociety
Contact Information: Email: Carletoncuss@gmail.com
How to get involved: Students can apply to be first year representatives, volunteer their time to help with the organizing of events and activities, or apply and interview for a position on our executive committee.
Executive applications occur during the summer period of may-july while first year rep applications are open in the month of September
Carleton Journalism Society
JSOC shall strive to enrich the lives of journalism students professionally, socially, and academically by providing a link between students, faculty and the greater journalism community.
Website: cujsoc.com
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carletonJSOC/
Discord: https://discord.gg/H8Z65JnYyt
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cujsoc/?hl=en
Contact Information: DM Social Media
Carleton Law and Legal Studies Society
The purpose of the Carleton Law & Legal Studies Society is to foster a cohesive, inclusive, supportive and diverse group of passionate individuals that are interested in the law and legal studies.
Website: carletonlawsociety.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CarletonLaw/
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: president.carletonlawsociety@gmail.com
Carleton Mechanical and Aerospace Society
The purpose of CMAS shall be to promote interest in Mechanical and Aerospace related fields and applications, primarily to its membership and the Carleton University student population and secondarily to the interested public.
CMAS shall act as a bridge between undergraduate students in the Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering and the Mechanical and Aerospace industry.
CMAS shall strive to promote professional excellence amongst its members.
CMAS shall fulfill its purpose through the pursuit of the following:
Preparation of seminars, lectures, conferences, workshops or other opportunities to excite its members and the public about the mechanical and aerospace industry;
Making available services to support its members;
Encouraging participation of members, the public, and industry in CMAS events;
Website: https://thecmas.ca/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cmas_gram/
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/tUFW7pdwuc
Contact Information: DM on Social Media or Email: president@thecmas.ca
Carleton Neuroscience Society
The Carleton Neuroscience Society (CNS) is an undergraduate society dedicated to hosting social events for the neuroscience community at Carleton. Open to anyone, this society is a great way for undergraduate students to interact with their peers and profs in a non-academic setting.
Our mission is to build relationships between members of the neuroscience community in order to create long-lasting friendships and provide networking opportunities to our bright students!
Some events that are hosted throughout the academic year include, but are not limited to: Brain Ball, Coffee with Profs, and Neurotalks. To find more information about our upcoming events, please follow @cuneurosociety on Instagram.
Website: https://carleton.ca/neuroscience/cnsociety/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/carletonneurosciencesociety/?ref=page_internal
Discord: https://discord.gg/hupXK6RfVv
Instagram: @cuneurosociety
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: presidentneurocu@gmail.com
How to get involved: Executive positions (president, administrative director, events vp + director, communications vp + director, fundraising vp + director, merchandise vp + director), and general volunteers (help with events, advertisement, etc.).
Carleton Political Science Society
The Carleton Political Science Society (CPSS) has made its mission to provide a social environment for politically inclined students and faculty. By hosting social events, pub nights, networking events, embassy visits, Carleton Model Parliament, and more, CPSS aims to engage all political science students at Carleton University. Our mandate is to arrange social and academic activities in order to instill a sense of belonging within the Department and the larger Carleton community. Members can benefit through our networking opportunities, academic engagement initiatives, and numerous events which aim to complement both academic and social life at Carleton University.
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: carletonpss@gmail.com
How to get involved: Students can become a member of CPSS by completing our membership form in the linktree in our Instagram bio. Club members can apply for year representative positions for their year of study in mid-September. Club members can also join the executive team by running for a position at the end of March
Carleton Systems and Computer Engineering Society (SCESoc)
The Carleton Systems and Computer Engineering Society (SCESoc) is a society for the students of the Systems and Computer Engineering Department, which includes Biomedical and Electrical, Communications, Computer Systems, and Software Engineering.
We hold a large variety of events, such as professional and technical skill development workshops, social gatherings, and networking opportunities. Our goal is to help anybody (and everybody) branch out in SCE related fields, and have fun while doing so!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SCESoc/
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cuscesoc/?hl=en
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2EAg5Rd
Contact Information: DM on Social Media or Email: president@scesoc.ca
How to get involved: You can get involved at SCESoc in many ways. You can become an office volunteer in which you are expected to keep the SCESoc office in ME 3336 orderly, welcoming and running during your office hours. To become an office volunteer just sign up for your hours when the sign-up is released at the start of the term. You can also become a director in which you are expected to do tasks under an executives portfolio. You can become a director by completing an application and an interview. Finally you can become an executive in which you are expected to oversee and run a major part of SCESoc's operations such as our services or our finances. To become an Executive you need to run in our elections and win that election by popular vote.
Carleton University Biology Society (CUBS)
The purpose of the Biology Society is to provide and foster a community where students within the Department of Biology as well as students with an interest in biology can interact and discuss current topics in Biology, and to act as a resource for students to engage in both social and professional opportunities within the department and the field of Biology.
Website: https://www.cubiologysociety.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/387852412197618/
Instagram: @cubiologysociety
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: cubiologysociety@gmail.com
Carleton University Biomedical Engineering Society
The purpose of the Society shall be the dissemination of knowledge of the theory and practice of all aspects of biomedical engineering, and to facilitate social and academic growth.
Website: http://www.cubes-carleton.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cubiomed/
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: cubes.carleton@gmail.com
Carleton University Classics Society
The Carleton University Classics Society is an academic society that strives to forge a welcoming community among students in the Greek and Roman Studies Department and those interested in classics and history. We host academic events, such as "Meet the Professor" nights, and social events, such as art gallery visits, to help foster this sense of community. Join our club to see what the Greek and Roman Studies department is all about!
Instagram: @cuclassicssociety
Contact Information: DM on Social Media or Email: cuclassics@gmail.com
How to get involved: Join our club as a general member by following the sign up link on our Instagram.
Carleton University Criminology & Criminal Justice Society (CUCCJS)
CUCCJS provides students with the opportunity to build community relationships with students and professionals within the criminology field, as well as network within the university community. CUCCJS is a great extracurricular activity to add to your Co-Curricular Record (CCR) and a way to gain volunteer experience that can be added to your resume.
CUCCJS membership is valid from the date of purchase to April 30th.
Academic/Social Events
Volunteer Opportunities
Free Food/Drink at Select Events
CCR Credit (**must attend three (3) events throughout the school year**)
Website: https://cuccjs.wixsite.com/crimsociety
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuccjs
Instagram: @cuccjs
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: cuccjs@gmail.com
Carleton University Geography and Environmental Studies Association (CUGESA)
The Carleton University Geography Environmental Studies Student Association (CUGESA) is an association dedicated to enriching the education and university life experience of students with an interest in environmental studies and geography by: promoting involvement in campus activities, community services, and by acting as a support network for students within the department.
The activities of CUGESA will include creating social events, student peer help and promoting seminars related to environmental studies and geography studies.
Website: https://www.cugesa.org/home
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Cugesa/
Discord: https://discord.gg/vQrY7eWqyQ
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: cugesa@gmail.com
How to get involved: Every fall we put out calls for Program Liaisons (Environmental Studies, Human Geography, Physical Geography, Geomatics, Graduate students) on our social medias to help increase the ties between our club and the various sub-sections of the department.
In the spring we receive applications for our executive positions to help run the club.
Carleton Health Science Society
Introductions of the society to prospective members would be centered around addressing their concerns as a health science student.
Since most of our executive team is comprised of students in their upper years of their health science degrees, we have plenty of experience dealing with issues that are relevant to health science students. These include looking for and applying to research opportunities, information on potential careers and applications to grad/post-grad schools and managing course expectations.
Informing prospective members of these benefits would be the most effective method of gaining their interest and participation, as these are resources which are essential for the success of every health science student. Moreover, we can provide individualized feedback and academic aids in a more casual and peer-focused environment that will allow for those students who may otherwise be uncomfortable accessing these resources get the help they need.
This can be through group study sessions, mentoring programs, and suggesting other resources offered by the various university services. By joining our society, students will be able to access the resources they need to achieve academically, while also being involved in a social, friendly, and helpful community that will enhance their university experience.
Website: https://carletonhss.wixsite.com/healthsciencesociety/about
Contact Information: Email: carletonhss@gmail.com
Carleton University Human Rights Society
The Carleton Human Rights Society is an academic society associated with the Human Rights Program at Carleton University.
We are concerned with raising awareness of human rights violations and fighting global injustice. We are completely student driven, and take up the issues that concern our members around the globe!
Our main goals are to raise awareness and funds, to become active in the human rights field and to invest time and support towards Human Rights and Social Justice students during their time at Carleton, sharing useful tools and events.
The organization shall work towards facilitating academic, social and professional relationships with Human Rights and Social Justice students as well as members of the Carleton community as a whole.
Website: https://communicationscuhr.wixsite.com/cuhumanrightssociety
Instagram: @cuhrss
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: president.cuhrs@gmail.com
How to get involved:
- Attend and participate in workshops, training and events in efforts to learn and improve allyship.
- Attend and participate in programs designed to ensure fair and equitable treatment of all students, faculty and staff.
- Attend and participate in student development programs to assist in fostering student engagement and promote networking.
- Get Monthly Newsletters updating all members on club activities and updates.
- Join our monthly general member meetings.
Sign up to be a General Member through the link in our Instagram bio : @cuhrss
Carleton University Mathematics and Statistics Society
Carleton University Mathematics and Statistics Society aims to represent and advocate the interests and concerns of undergraduate students of mathematics. The missions of the Society are to build an inclusive environment that brings students and faculty closer together, to enhance students experiences by organizing social and enrichment events, and to provide a platform to students where knowledge and discussion could be exchanged candidly.
Website: https://people.math.carleton.ca/~mathsoc/AboutUs.html
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CUMathSoc/
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/Jq2
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: cumathsoc@gmail.com
Carleton University Philosophy Society
Carleton University Philosophy Society (CUPS) is a student-led society for undergrad and masters students interested in the exchange and discussion of philosophical ideas. Events hosted include pub nights, and discussion groups, of which past topics include philosophy of music, metaethics, and women in early modern philosophy. Discussion groups are held throughout the term and all are welcome!
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cuphilsocietyht
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cuphilosophysociety/
Contact Information: Email: carletonphilsociety@gmail.com
Carleton University Physics Society
The Carlton University Physics Society (CUPS) bridges students across all years, including graduate students by hosting events including faculty lectures followed by casual pizza gatherings which promote student-professor interaction!
Website: https://physsoc.physics.carleton.ca/
Instagram: @cuphyssoc
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: carleton.physics.society@gmail.com
How to get involved:
Opportunities to get involved include participating in events, and becoming part of the society. Follow us on instagram to get event and executive position updates!
Carleton University Student French Association
The Carleton University Student French Association (CUSFA) is an academic club, which aims at building a vibrant Francophile community to celebrate French culture. We work closely with the club Francophone and the Department of French to offer support and networking opportunities to students. We organise fun events, giveaways, trivia nights and much more throughout the year.
Website: https://carleton.ca/french/cusfa/
Instagram: @cusfrenchassociation
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: cusfa.studentfrenchassociation@gmail.com
Childhood and Youth Studies Student Association
The organization shall work towards:
● Providing an environment where students can network and build connections within the Childhood & Youth Studies program
● Building student awareness of the field of Childhood &; Youth Studies
● Bringing educational speakers to campus and organizing workshops
● Providing opportunities for volunteer work and fundraising for local charities and organizations
Website: https://carleton.ca/iis/chst-student-society/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/CYSSA2020
Instagram: @carletoncyssa
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: carletoncyssa@gmail.com
Department of Electronics Society (DESoc)
The purpose of the Society shall be to promote the field and applications of electronics, primarily to its membership and the students of Carleton University, and secondarily to interested individuals.
DESoc shall act as representatives of its members.
DESoc shall fulfill its purpose by providing the following to all members of The Society, those interested in electronics, and those interested in the Electrical Engineering profession and all that it encompasses:
A community that encourages the members of the Society to learn more about fields of electronics engineering and its applications,
A social network for members of DESoc,
Workshops and networking events to aid its members with transitioning from their electronics studies to the engineering profession, and;
Any other form of event or social gathering that promotes the three previously mentioned points or is consistent with the purpose and goals of the Society as referenced in this Article.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/Carletonelectronicssociety/
Instagram: @cudesoc
Discord: https://discord.gg/vaEu7rnPqS
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: departmentofelectronicssociety@gmail.com
Environmental Science Student Association (ESSA)
The Environmental Science Student Association (ESSA) is an academic society that brings together like-minded students from the Institute of Environmental Science to engage peers in academic and social activities. ESSA builds community and is a great opportunity to meet fellow students within the Environmental Science Program. ESSA has organized social events, mentorship programs, and many other projects initiated through students’ ideas.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/groups/cuenvirosci
Instagram: @essacarleton
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: essacarleton@gmail.com
European and Russian Studies Student Society
The organization shall work towards: Furthering the education of undergraduate students in political, historical, linguistic, and cultural topics related to Europe, Russia and Eurasia.
Facebook: https://m.facebook.com/pg/CarletonEURUSS/posts/
Instagram: @carleton_euruss
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: carletoneuruss@gmail.com
Food Science Student Society
The FSSS is a Carleton University society that supports all Food Science students and alumni. The objectives of the Society shall be to promote and foster a collective community for the purposes of personal, social, and intellectual growth within the Food Science students at Carleton University.
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/CarletonUniversityFSNSS
Instagram: @carleton_foodsciencesociety
Discord: https://discord.gg/vCa7mtX
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: foodscience.fsnss@gmail.com
History Undergraduate Society
The purpose of the History Undergraduate Society (HUgS) shall be to foster a sense of community for history enthusiasts and students of history at Carleton University.
The organization will attempt to transcend the boundaries between academia and a casual love of history. Members do not have to be history majors or minors to participate in events or leadership within HUgS.
HUgS will host social events throughout the fall, winter, and summer semesters which revolve loosely around the theme of history (i.e. trivia will be history themed somehow, movie nights will largely be historical films, fiction or nonfiction)
HUgS will also endeavour to provide academic support to history students through assignment workshops that will focus on academic writing, proper citation styles, etc.
HUgS will work closely with the Carleton University History Department and the Faculty of said department in order to maximize the effectiveness of the organization
HUgS shall always strive to contribute to the continued happiness and academic success of its members.
Website: https://carletonhugs.ca/
Instagram: @carletonhugs
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/y4zSJTpVhd
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email:carletonhugs@gmail.com
IEEE Carleton (Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers)
IEEE Carleton is a student run Branch that provides many services such as workshops, technical presentations, career networking events, and more. All engineering students are invited to attend or volunteer for any of our events.
Website: https://ieeecarleton.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/ieeecarleton/
Instagram: @ieeecarleton
Discord: https://discord.gg/hygaSDJ
Contact Information: DM Social Media
How to get involved: Attend our events, volunteer, or simply drop by our office and say hi(ME 3359)
Psychology Society of Carleton University
The objective of the Psychology Society of Carleton University is to:
Provide a positive and safe environment for Carleton University undergraduate students
Provide professional, academic, and social information and opportunities for individuals pursuing an education, career, or interest in the field of psychology; and
Provide members of the Society with peer support and information regarding the psychology program at Carleton University
Instagram: @pscarletonu
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: pscarletonu@gmail.com
Public Affairs and Policy Management Students' Society (PAPMSS)
PAPMSS is run by and for PAPM students. We strive to effectively organize programs and initiatives to enhance student life within our community. We ensure our members have the tools necessary to thrive academically, professionally, and socially. Ultimately, we work to involve and connect all PAPM students in exciting ways -- building bridges and fostering connections.
Website: https://papmss.com
Instagram: @papmss
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: contact@papmss.com
How to get involved: By default, all PAPM students are members of our organization! PAPM students can join the PAPMSS executive during our Fall and Spring elections.
Sustainable & Renewable Energy Engineering Society (SREE)
SREESoc shall aim to promote the interests of sustainable and renewable energy related fields and applications, serving primarily its membership and the Carleton University student population and secondarily the interested public.
Website: http://sree-society.ca/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/SREESoc/
Instagram: @sreesoc
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: info@sree-society.ca
English Literature Society
The English Literature Society is a student-operated academic society open to all those looking to engage with a community built on love for literature and writing. From writing workshops to book reports, guest speakers to citywide events, we like to keep everyone involved in creative English literary life both on and off campus!
Website: https://carleton.ca/english/english-literature-society/
Instagram: @carleton_englitsociety
Discord: https://discord.gg/Knq3HuudUP
Contact Information: DM Social Media
How to get involved: To join our club as a standard member, there is a member form you can fill out in just two minutes and a discord server you can join with all sorts of perks such as peer editing rooms, writing prompts, and social channels.
Those with any interest in taking up an executive position/role need only ask! We currently are restructuring our executive team slightly and will fill space in positions as needed. Otherwise, volunteer committees will be assembled on an event-to-event basis and sign-up sheets for certain things will be posted when necessary. We hope to foster a casual environment where people commit to our society not because they have to, but because they love it! At the beginning of the year we will be hosting a social and sending out a sign-up sheet to all old and new members for those who want to be put on the go-to volunteers list.
Carleton Undergraduate Economics Society (CUES)
The purpose of our society is to build a community within Carleton’s Department of Economics outside of the classroom. We strive to represent the collective interest, promote general welfare, and encourage social and intellectual interactions among economics students at Carleton.
Our society wants to focus on bringing the undergraduate community in the Department of Economics together with social and academic events, like movie nights, game nights, study hours, hosting guest speakers, etc. We provide a space for economics students to express themselves and interact with their peers in social and academic settings.
Instagram: @carletoneconsociety
Discord: https://discord.gg/6X9CvumKsJ
Contact Information: carletoneconsociety@gmail.com
How to get involved: Students can get involved with our society throughout the year by being general members and filling out this google form (https://docs.google.com/forms/d/e/1FAIpQLSe_9E1oOSarOtt7ZVacg76J61GbjKUUiYanMfjkeDSV-7twHA/viewform). We also encourage students to reach out to us with any suggestions and/or feedback they have about the society, we strive to be as inclusive as possible for students. Later in the year we will also be reopening our executive application for the 2024-2025 school year if students want to pursue a large role in the society.
Sprott International Business Association
The Sprott International Business Association also known as SIBA caters towards students studying in the Bachelor of International Business program (BIB), those in the Bachelor of Commerce (BCom) with a specialization in International Business or anyone interested in international Business! We support students at Carleton and even through time abroad if they choose to do so!
Instagram: @sprottiba
Contact Information: DM Social Media
Sprott Accounting Students’ Association
The Sprott Accounting Students' Association strives to provide all accounting students at the Sprott School of Business with opportunities to enhance their university experience, reach their professional goals, and strengthen their relationships with the local accounting community.
Website: https://www.cusasa.ca
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cusasa
Instagram: https://instagram.com/cusasa?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Contact Information: DM Social Media
How to get involved: SASA hires their Executive Team in May
Check out the “Join Our Team” tab on the website: https://www.cusasa.ca/join-our-team
Contact: manager.cusasa@gmail.com
Sprott Finance Students' Association
The Sprott Finance Students’ Association (SFSA) is a student-run association at the Sprott School of Business. Their primary goal is to provide Sprott students with opportunities to expand their professional networks through networking events. They seek to provide students with opportunities to apply their knowledge of finance in the real world with various engaging events such as finance case competitions, meet and greets with industry professionals and Q&A panels with Sprott alumni working in the world of finance.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cusfsa/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/cusfsa
Contact Information: DM Social Media
How to get involved: Stay up to date with the Instagram for opportunities to get involved
Sprott Marketing Students’ Association
The Sprott Marketing Students' Association (SMSA) provides the best academic, networking, and social opportunities to students concentrating in marketing and other students at Sprott. Our vision is to pave the way for commerce students to live their dream career - one event at a time.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sprottsmsa/
Facebook: SprottSMSA
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: sprottsmsa@gmail.com
CU Sociology & Anthology Student Association
The Sociology and Anthropology Student Association’s goal is to give undergraduate students an opportunity to develop a relationship with the Department of Sociology and Anthropology. By planning events throughout the year, we strive to create a space for members, both Executive and General, to connect with fellow classmates and faculty. Our priority is to ensure all students receive the most out of their time at Carleton University by establishing long-lasting relationships and connectivity. Additionally, the Sociology and Anthropology Student Association aims to facilitate an environment where individual research can thrive and critical knowledge can flourish. We aim to question what is taken for granted in our social world by actively engaging our student body with critical theorists and insight.
Website: https://sasacu.wixsite.com/sasa
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/sasa.cu
Contact Information: DM Social Media
Humanities Social Society
The Humanities Social Society is our student-run organization, founded in 2016, through which we foster a sense of community and a welcoming environment, bringing Humanities students together through a range of events and activities.
The HSS has organized social and academic events from game nights to trips to the National Gallery of Canada and paper editing sessions. Our events allow students to become involved in activities that interest them while giving them the opportunity to get to know their peers. Our larger inter-year events will allow students from different years in the program to interact.
Website: https://www.instagram.com/humssocial/
Instagram: @humssocial
Contact Information: DM Social Media
Carleton University Geology Society
The Carleton University Geology Society (GeoSoc) is a great student-run organization that is friendly and fun. We run professional development workshops and host guest speakers to highlight the interesting side of earth sciences. We bounce ideas off each other and run some awesome events to bring together those with an interest in Earth Sciences.
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/cu_geosoc/?hl=en
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/kJ7Ks6H
Contact Information: DM Social Media
Sprott Business Students' Society (SBSS)
The Sprott Business Students' Society represents all undergraduate students at the Sprott School of Business. We aim to facilitate an environment in which students are engaged in the Carleton community and can further develop their social, professional, and academic skills needed to thrive in their future endeavors
Website: https://www.sbssonline.ca
Instagram: @sbsscouncil
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: info@sbssonline.ca
How to get involved: Opportunities here
Carleton Quantum Computing Society
The Carleton Quantum Computing Society is a cross-disciplinary student organization that aims to provide individuals with necessary skills and knowledge to succeed in their professional, personal, or academic journey into quantum computing.
Instagram: @carletonquantumsociety
Carleton Science Student Society
Established in January 2011, the CSSS represents every student in the Faculty of Science. Science students are automatically a member of the society and have the opportunity to participate in meetings, discussions, and run for executive or representative positions.
Website: https://www.sciencesociety.ca
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/carletonscisoc/?hl=en
Contact Information: DM Social Media
Carleton Student Engineering Society (CSES)
The goal of the Carleton Student Engineering Society (CSES) is to provide our members (undergraduate engineering students of Carleton) with academic, professional, and social resources to help them make the most of their four (or more) years at Carleton.
Instagram: https://instagram.com/mycses?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==
Discord: https://discord.com/invite/xucQ5cG9Sb
Contact Information: DM Social Media or Email: questions@cses.carleton.ca