Vice President Internal

About the Office of Vice President Internal -

The Vice President Internal (VPI) is second to the Presidency, acting in Presidential office if the President is incapable of fulfilling their duties or if the President were to resign. Furthermore, the VPI is responsible for the inner workings of CASG.

The VPI is also responsible for coordinating all academic student representation at Carleton University and on Student Senate. It is the VPI’s responsibility to recruit, train and manage all of CASG Representatives. In other words, the VPI is responsible for making sure that the CASG General Election runs efficiently. It is the VPI’s responsibility to ensure that all CASG committees meet as required, and that the committees are actively filled.

The VP Internal is responsible for contacting both the Faculty Coordinators and their respective representatives (Faculty and Departmental) on a regular basis. The VPI ensures that CASG representatives are fulfilling their responsibilities as outlined by the CASG By-Laws.

The VPI ensures that the proper meeting process is maintained throughout Student Senate and CASG General meetings. The VPI is responsible for calling to order, facilitating, and arranging the CASG General meetings. That is, formulating and distributing the agenda in advance, scheduling, room booking, ordering food/refreshments, keeping track of attendances, hiring the secretary and chair of Student Senate, and ensuring the recording of minutes.